OGC Samples Peak Season Varieties in Second Citrus Tasting Video

OGC’s Don Mayfield and Lucas Crawford cut into some of the best citrus varieties the mid-season has to offer! Watch below as they sample sweet and tangy citrus varieties of all sizes, from one of the smallest to one of the largest, and several shapes and sizes in between!

Varieties showcased in this video

Navel Orange, Kishu Mandarin, Fremont Mandarin, Tango Mandarin, Moro Blood Orange,

Chandler Pummelo, Cocktail Citrus, Sweet Lime, T’Orange Lemon

If you haven’t been keeping up with OGC’s 2021 Citrus Tour, there’s still time to enjoy this exciting category! Be sure to check out the Citrus Tour webpage for Variety Education, Grower Stories, videos and more, or follow along on Facebook and Instagram!


From Farm Workers to Farm Owners


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