Shake Off Winter with Northwest-Grown Raab
With spring officially arriving in just a matter of days, eaters are turning their attention to the light, bright and tender treats this season offers. One quintessential crop that excites both growers and eaters is raab.
The flowering tops of overwintered brassicas, these tasty stalks are packed with nutrition as the bolting plants send energy into new growth. Great for eaters looking for nutrient-dense greens from Northwest farms, they also support both pollinators and growers when it's most needed. While the bees are happily getting an early taste of pollen, raab provides farmers and their crews with essential income after a long winter.
Available now, and with more varieties to come:
Arugula raab
Italian kale raab
Green kale raab
Green & Red Mizuna raab
Green and Red Tatsoi raab
Komatsuma raab
Baby Bok Choi raab
And more!
Promotional volume is available now on this short-season crop. Production peaks in mid-March, so be sure to include many varieties of raab on your order today!