Why Organic Citrus? Some Great Reasons to Stock Up with OGC!
Many shoppers know the health and environmental benefits of selecting organic produce, especially for products that fall under the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” for pesticides in produce. Citrus avoided inclusion on the list until 2021 when conventional tangerines secured a less-than-coveted spot. With the cost of food rising and shoppers feeling the pinch, now’s a great time to remind eaters why selecting organic citrus is worth it!
Good for Planet The list of planet-friendly benefits of choosing organic is long! Organic citrus production helps protect natural resources, sequesters carbon, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, protects biodiversity and pollinators, regenerates soil health and increases the resiliency of agricultural systems. Choosing organic citrus is climate smart!
Good for People Organic citrus is good for health! With high doses of vitamin C, fiber, and plant compounds that reduce inflammation, this winter crop powers people up! Pesticide and GMO-free, highly nutritious organic citrus protects eaters' health and minimizes farm workers’ exposure to toxic chemicals.
Good for Business Organic citrus may have a higher ticket price than conventional, and for good reason. Food produced organically is federally guaranteed and traceable, creates jobs and stimulates the economy, drives rural development, is more profitable for farms and businesses than conventional and is trusted to be fairly priced by values-driven consumers.
Good for Zesting! While both organic and conventional citrus may be treated with wax as part of the post-harvest treatment to retain moisture for shelf life and produce a glossy appearance, the wax that organic and conventional producers use differs. The only waxes approved in organic production are naturally derived such as carnauba, whereas waxes used in conventional systems may be petroleum-based.
In addition, many of OGC’s organic citrus growers opt for dry brushing versus waxing. Dry-brushing removes dirt and gives the fruit a little extra shine, but it allows oils in the skin to be released when peeling the fruit, lending to a much more enjoyable eating experience. It also means when consuming citrus skin, eaters get just the zest. True citrus connoisseurs can tell the difference!
Why buy organic citrus from OGC? Through decades-long relationships with growers in California, we’re able to bring the widest variety of organic citrus to eaters in the Pacific Northwest that the region has ever seen. OGC has sought out small-to-medium family farms and boutique operations that supply us with familiar favorites and more unique varieties. By choosing citrus from OGC, you’re choosing to support a diverse group of grower partners, all dedicated to producing the best organic citrus possible.
Whether in the interest of people, the planet, our growers, or because it just tastes so dang good, we appreciate you and your eaters choosing organic citrus from OGC. A dose of sunshine during these wintry days is the best way we know to power up eaters!